In this article we will seek to discuss the ways in which the Roman people forged their origins, establishing the foundations of their republican tradition from a pagan influence from peoples of antiquity, centrally Etruscans and Greeks; as well as the way Machiavelli resumed this tradition in his writings. Our itinerary will constitute a first demonstration of the influences received by the Roman people of great civilizations that preceded them, both in power and splendor and culture, namely Etruscans and Greeks. These influences can be detected in political, moral, religious, military and architectural aspects. The second step will be to present the foundations of the republican tradition of classical Rome, mainly through its political and moral foundations, putting the traits that gave it their identity, as well as the possible unfolding of the influences received. Finally, we will point out how the pagan aspects, inherited by the Romans of the people who preceded them, were assimilated by Machiavelli in their resumption of a republicanism with pre-Christian bases.
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