Contribution to the Cahier: The vitality of Beauvoir scholarship

  • Christine Daigle Brock University


This quick review of recent and on-going scholarship on Beauvoir ought to give the reader a sense of the vibrancy of Beauvoir scholarship today. Exciting work has been and continues to be done. This means that we will carry on our engagement with Beauvoir and her commentators in a lively fashion. Her oeuvre certainly deserves no less.


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Biografia do Autor

Christine Daigle, Brock University

Professor of Philosophy and Chancellor's Chair for Research Excellence at Brock University, Canada. Doctorate in philosophy from Université de Montréal in Canada. Selected Publications: Jean-Paul Sartre (Routledge, 2009); Le Nihilisme est-il un humanisme? Étude sur Nietzsche et Sartre (Presses de l'Université Laval, 2005); Nietzsche and Phenomenology. Power, Life, Subjectivity (co-eds.) with Élodie Boublil Studies in Continental Thought Series, (Indiana University Press- forthcoming spring/summer 2013); Beauvoir and Sartre. The Riddle of Influence. (co-eds.) with Jacob Golomb. (Indiana University Press, 2009).

Como Citar
Daigle, C. (2014). Contribution to the Cahier: The vitality of Beauvoir scholarship. Sapere Aude, 5(9), 412-414. Recuperado de