Review Section: Cahier de l’Herne, 2012. Simone de Beauvoir
The review section of the periodical Sapere Aude, with great honor offers, in the present number, studies on the texts that compose the Cahier de L’Herne, published at the end of 2012, divulged and made available at the beginning of 2013, in homage to Simone de Beauvoir. It is a publication directed at a reading public qualified to recognize what in Simone de Bauvoir has always been her main characteristic, her specific vocation as a writer, as Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir defines it. In this Cahier, a rather large number of original documents, unpublished or of difficult access, of Beauvoir’s, who was still in her early phase in literary and philosophical writing, is gathered here, besides writings of scholars from various fields of knowledge.Downloads
BEAUVOIR, Simone de. Cahiers de jeunesse. 1926-1930. Paris: Gallimard, 2008.
BEAUVOIR, Simone de. La Force de l’âge. Paris: Gallimard, {1960}1984. Folio
JEANSON, Francis. Simone de Beauvoir: Ou l’Eentreprise de vivre. Paris: Seuil, 1966.
DELPHY, Christine e CHAPERON, Sylvie. Le cinquantenaire du Deuxième Sexe. Paris: Syllepse, 2000.
LECARME-TABONE, Éliane; JEANNELLE, Jean-Louis. L’Herne. Beauvoir. Paris: Éditions de L’Herne, 2012.
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