Carlos Hernán Gonzalez Parias, Juan Camilo Mesa Bedoya, Maria Camila Alzate
The Role of Internaonal Actors in the Negoaon Process Between the Colombian Government and the Farc-Ep: a Necessary and Controlled Parcipaon
festly, intentionally and consented to. It is formulated by people in ocial
or authority positions. The formulation process involves both actors (inte-
rest groups, elites, organised civil society, the media, subnational govern-
ments, non-governmental organizations, among others) as well as factors
(the image of decision-makers, ideational, cultural, state institutionality,
state-to-society relationship, among others) (GONZÁLEZ, 2021, p. 22)
A short brief on Colombian internal armed conflict.
The researchers´ group of the National Centre for Historical Me-
mory of Colombia (2014), divide the Colombian armed conict into four
stages. The rst between 1958 and 1982, a stage characterized by the tran-
sition from partisan to subversive violence, in this period the creation of
guerrilla groups were energized. The second, between 1982 and 1996, a
stage essentially marked by international inuenced, the decline of the
Cold War along with the positioning of drug tracking on the global
agenda, as well as an almost exponential expansion of the guerrilla groups
that marked the state´s institutionality. The third, between 1996 and 2005,
a stage inuenced by an issue that redrawn the international stage in mi-
litary terms, and the ght against terrorism, fuelled by the escalate of ar-
med conict due to the simultaneous expansion of guerrillas and parami-
litary groups. The fourth, between 2005 and the present, a stage marked
by a state´s military oensive in terms of counterinsurgent ghting and
peace process that developed Juan Manuel Santos’s government with the
FARC-EP, a process supported by the international community.
It should be emphasized that there is no consensus at the beginning
of Colombia´s internal armed conict. Dierent authors have postulated
that the conict in Colombia dates to the beginning of the republican
stage at the beginning of the nineteenth century, others start the stage of
the violence, initiated after the assassination of the liberal warlord Jorge
Eliécer Gaitán. There is also a legal precedent that frames the beginning
of the internal armed conict in 1985, this precedent is law 1448 of 2011
which entered into force during the Juan Manuel Santos government, a
law that, among others, recognises the existence of the conict and its
political and social causes (YEPES, 2018) cited by (MESA; YEPES, 2020).
There is also no consensus on the dates of foundation of Colombian
guerrillas, however, there is a coincidence that the creation of these takes
place in the 1960s, in which the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
(FARC for its acronyms in Spanish), The National Liberation Army (ELN
for its acronyms in Spanish) and the People´s Liberation Army (EPL for
its acronyms in Spanish) are simultaneously born (MESA; YEPES, 2020).
It can be said that there is a common ideological denominator in
the creation of the Colombian guerrilla organizations, composed of the
peasant heritage of land struggles and discontent with the restrictions
on political participation of the Frente Nacional4 (the National Front), the
inuence of the Chinese and Cuban revolutions and even the May revolu-
tion of ´68 in France and the mobilization against the Vietnam War in the
United States, as well as the lack of guarantees for political participation
(MESA; YEPES, 2020). In fact, this latter aspect was the trigger for the
4. In the history of Colombia it is known
as “
El Frente Nacional
(The National
Front)”, a period between 1958 and
1974 during which, thanks to a great
agreement, the main Colombian political
parties, Liberals and Conservatives
divided power, excluding from it all the
other political movements that existed
at that historical time in Colombia
(MESA, 2009, p. 159).