estudos internacionais • Belo Horizonte, ISSN 2317-773X, v. 10, n. 3, (out. 2022), p. 21-33
on March 20 and March 28 to share experiences in dealing with the
Covid-19 pandemic, but when it came to the official meeting of For-
eign Ministers on post-Covid-19 economic recovery activities con-
ducted by the Quad +, the Foreign Minister of Vietnam (and New
Zealand) did not attend, instead the representatives of Brazil and Isra-
rean representatives attended fully the Covid-19 cooperation activi-
ties within the framework of the Quad Expansion. A spokesperson for
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam on May 14 also confirmed
that Vietnam’s participation only stopped at “unofficial” phone calls.
Therefore, it can be seen that Vietnam is still steadfast in its neutral
position in international cooperation, and has realized the political
nature within the structure of the new Quad (using essential multi-
field cooperation networks to draw small countries into the tradi-
tional and non-traditional security orbit generally coordinated by the
Quad) should stop at information sharing and limit operations to the
framework of “cooperation mechanisms, exchange, and phone call in
a constructive and responsible spirit” (THANH HA, 2020). Therefore,
point (3) is an incorrect inference of international and regional public
opinion, although point (1) and (2) are two highly persuasive cognitive
Second, the frameworks of “contain China” built and advocated by
the US are only superficial to attract public opinion, but have yet created
an effective threat to China on a pragmatic basis. The US is in the pilot
phase of creating a series of institutions such as the Blue Dot Network
among the US - Japan - Australia (officially announced in November
2019 to compete with China’s BRI) (J. LYN, 2020), as well as the idea
of advocating for cooperation in infrastructure connecting the US -
India - Japan (JAI) since 2018 has not yet produced results because of
many differences in India’s calculations (J. PANDA, 2019). Even the
EPN initiatives are still in the early stages of advocating (despite ha-
ving a financial background from US-based funds), while the concept
of the Quad+ has many precedents since 2013 (N. DANG, 2020) but
completely lacks the institutional framework and agenda, now limi-
ted to working only within the framework of phone calls. Many vie-
wpoints also believe that the idea of the Quad Expasion is still at a
rudimentary level, even just helping to supplement the “communica-
tion corridor” for India’s relations with Vietnam, South Korea, Brazil,
Israel, but does not have much impact on the overall strategy of the
Indians (J. PANDA, 2020), and simultaneously promotes the process
of “demilitarization” or “softening” the Quad that the US actually
does not want ( RAJESWARI PILLAI RAJAGOPALAN, 2020). This
causes the argument point (1) to be reduced seriously.
Third, China has not actually had an official response to Quad+ by
the time the bloc holds an official ministerial-level phone call (May 2020).
All official statements of the Chinese side at this time only repeats
the harsh response to the countries participating in the media cam-
paign attributing the responsibility for the Covid-19 pandemic to
China, unintentionally including the US, Japan, India and Australia