Business and development strategies in China
inferences based on the evolution of SINOPEC
The purpose of this paper is to present Sinopec in the context of the transformations of property organization in China, especially the constitution of the business sector under long-term national development strategies. A hypothesis is that the growth of a large state-owned enterprise in China is on the one hand, the benefits of state support and on the other, the constraints imposed by such benefits on its business strategies of profitability and efficiency. In order to confirm this hypothesis, we analyze the evolution of the oil and gas sector in China, from the point of view of the formation of its large companies. Next, Sinopec indicators, relate to the company’s financial development and strategies, are analyzed for the period 1999 to 2016. We sought to highlight the evolution of the company’s indicators compared to the national strategies adopted. Results show that Sinopec remains dependent on the national economic development strategies.
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