Special Issue: A Hundred Years Since the End of the Ottoman Empire – Introduction

  • Danny Zahreddine PUC Minas
  • Gabriel Leanca Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
  • Youssef Alvarenga Cherem Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo
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Special Issue: A Hundred Years Since the End of the Ottoman Empire – Introduction


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Biografia do Autor

Danny Zahreddine, PUC Minas

BA in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, MA and PhD in Geography from the Postgraduate Program in Spatial Information Treatment (PUC Minas). Professor at the Department of International Relations at PUC Minas and a permanent member of the Postgraduate Program in International Relations (PUC Minas). Leader of the Middle East and Maghreb Study Group - CNPq (GEOMM).

Gabriel Leanca, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University

Lecturer in the history of international relations at the Faculty of History, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași, Romania. He holds a collaborative PhD from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and Bourgogne University, France. He recently edited L’entrée de la Roumanie dans la Grande Guerre. Documents diplomatiques français (28 juillet-29 décembre 1914), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2020 and he is the author of À l’ère des empires et des nations : la France et les principautés de Moldavie et de Valachie (1711-1859), t. I (1711-1789), Les Éditions Isis, coll. du Centre d’histoire diplomatique ottomane, Istanbul (2019).

Youssef Alvarenga Cherem, Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo

BA in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2003), MA and PhD in Social Anthropology from the State University of Campinas (2005, 2010), currently teaching at the Federal University of São Paulo. His research focuses chiefly on the History of the Middle East, Islam, and anthropology of religion. 


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Como Citar
Zahreddine, D., Leanca, G., & Cherem, Y. A. (2021). Special Issue: A Hundred Years Since the End of the Ottoman Empire – Introduction. Estudos Internacionais: Revista De relações Internacionais Da PUC Minas, 8(4), 7-9. Recuperado de https://periodicos.pucminas.br/index.php/estudosinternacionais/article/view/25231