The Brazilian Rise and the Elusive South American Balance

  • Luis Leandro Schenoni Universidade Católica Argentina Universidade Torcuato Di Tella German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Palavras-chave: Brasil, Realismo Neoclássico, Unipolaridade, América do Sul


Within the last fifty years, the Brazilian share of South American power has increased from one-third to one-half of the overall material capabilities in the region. Such a significant change in the regional power structure cannot have gone unnoticed by Brazil’s neighbors. The article addresses the main question related to South American unipolarity (1985–2014): Why have most countries in the region not implemented any consistent balancing or bandwagoning strategies vis-à-vis Brazil? Drawing on neoclassical realism, the article proposes that certain domestic variables – government instability, limited party-system institutionalization, and powerful presidents – have diverted the attention of political elites and foreign policy executives from the challenges generated by a rising Brazil. Crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis is used to test this hypothesis and other, alternative explanations for the regional imbalance.


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Biografia do Autor

Luis Leandro Schenoni, Universidade Católica Argentina Universidade Torcuato Di Tella German Institute of Global and Area Studies

Professor Assistente na Pontifícia Universidade Católica Argentina.

Candidato a Doutor em Ciência Política na Universidade Torcuato Di Tella.

Pesquisador Visitante no German Institute for Global and Area Studies.


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Como Citar
Schenoni, L. L. (2014). The Brazilian Rise and the Elusive South American Balance. Estudos Internacionais: Revista De relações Internacionais Da PUC Minas, 2(2), 215-231. Recuperado de
Dossiê: América do Sul