Multimodal analysis of metaphors in political-religious discourse: a cognitive-semiotic approach

Palavras-chave: Cognitive Semiotics, Multimodal Semiotic Blending, Politicalreligious discourse, Brazilian politics, Legislative sessions.


This paper analyzes the interrelation between gestures and speech in the construction of multimodal metaphors in the “legislative session” genre. Based on Multimodal Semiotic Blending (MSB), an adaptation of Brandt and Brandt’s (2005) model (MIRANDA; MENDES, 2014; AVELAR, in press), an illustrative analysis of the multimodal metaphors found in the sessions was performed, focusing on the verbal and gestural resources used by the participants. To do so, five scenes were selected from two legislative
sessions performed by two so-called “Representative-pastors” of the Brazilian House of Representatives: Marco Feliciano and Silas Malafaia. Finally, the metaphors and the gestures performed by both politicians were compared. The conclusion reached in this study demonstrated how MSB can be relevant when analyzing the iconicity of material resources (mainly gestures) used by the participants.



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Biografia do Autor

Maíra Avelar, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – UESB
Professora Adjunta da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – UESB, docente do Programade Pós-graduação em Linguística (PPGLin).
Paulo Henrique Aguiar Mendes, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.
Possui graduação em Letras, Licenciatura em Português, pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (1993), doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (1999) e pós-doutorado pela Université Paris XIII. Atualmente é professor adjunto da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP). Tem experiência na área de Linguística, com ênfase em Semântica, Pragmática e Análise do Discurso.


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Como Citar
AVELAR, M.; MENDES, P. H. A. Multimodal analysis of metaphors in political-religious discourse: a cognitive-semiotic approach. Scripta, v. 20, n. 40, p. 119-135, 23 dez. 2016.
Dossiê Metáfora